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Current tag:Round steel die price

Round steel die priceGive you a detailed introductionRound steel die priceThe product categories, includingRound steel die priceUse, model, range, pictures, news and prices of all products under。And we have a selection for youRound steel die priceClassified industry information, prices, exhibition information, pictures, etc., in the country to obtain user praise, for more details, please click to visit!
  • Round steel die 1

    Round steel die 1

    分类:Template product

    Product number: 1587884417

    Views: 8794

    Key words:Round steel die priceRound steel die wholesaleSteel formwork

    Steel formwork is used for concrete placement molding of steel formwork, in addition to steel formwork and wood formwork, plywood formwork and so on。Steel formwork is widely used in construction projects because of its characteristics of multiple use and beautiful concrete pouring。Steel formwork can replace wood formwork, significantly reducing the pressure on concrete usually associated with traditional sealing formwork such as wood, plywood, or steel plate
  • Round steel die 2

    Round steel die 2

    分类:Template product

    Product number: 1587884397

    Views: 9208

    Key words:Round steel die priceRound steel die wholesaleSteel formwork pouring

    Classification According to the use of steel formwork can be divided into: civil (housing) steel formwork, bridge steel formwork。According to the shape of steel formwork pouring can be divided into: box beam formwork, T beam formwork, cover beam formwork, hollow beam formwork, round formwork, guard beam formwork, pier column head formwork。There is also a combined steel template divided into: large template, small template, medium template, Yin Angle, Yang Angle and so on。Features Excellent steel formwork